Bankart Repair/Anterior Stabilisation of the Shoulder Condition
What is a Bankart injury?
The shoulder is a ball and socket joint and is made up of three bones; the humerus (arm bone), scapula (shoulder blade) and clavicle (collar bone). Your shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body. It is dependent on muscles, ligaments (including the joint ‘capsule’) and a rim of cartilage (called the ‘labrum’) to stabilise it during movement. The labrum is located on the rim of the ‘socket’ on the ball and socket joint.
Some injuries to the shoulder can dislocate it forwards, stretching and in some cases, tearing the joint capsule, ligaments and cartilage away from the front of the joint. If the labrum is torn the shoulder can become unstable. If the tear is at the front of the shoulder (anterior), it is called a labral lesion.
There are other labral lesions of the shoulder which you may have been told you have in your shoulder i.e. SLAP lesion or an ALPSA lesion. The repairs of these lesions are completed in the same way as described above.

What are the alternatives?
Solutions for your shoulder pain before considering surgery are :
- Modifying activity and sport to avoid the pain
- Taking painkillers and/or anti-inflammatory tablets.
- Physiotherapy and other allied specialities such as acupuncture.
Questions that we are often asked about the operation:
You will be given a general anaesthetic. General anaesthesia is drug-induced unconsciousness: an anaesthetist, who is a doctor with specialist training, always provides it. Unfortunately, general anaesthesia can cause side effects and complications. Side effects are common, but are usually short-lived: they include nausea, confusion and pain. Complications are very, very rare.
The anaesthetist may give you an additional ‘nerve block’ for pain relief. The nerve block is an injection onto or near the nerves in the shoulder for temporary pain control during and after the operation. The injection will either be an interscalene or suprascapular nerve block.
The risks of anaesthesia and surgery are lower for those who are undergoing minor surgery, and who are young, fit, active and well. You will be given an opportunity to discuss anaesthetic options and risks with your anaesthetist before your surgery. If you are worried about any of these risks, please speak to Mr Al-Sabti.
Shoulder Clinic provides the very highest standards of professional medical care, including diagnosis, treatment and after care, all under one roof.
Shoulder Clinic offers a range of treatments for problematic shoulders, joints, ligaments and other underlying issues.
Shoulder Clinic provides the very highest recovery care, and followed up with a treatment plan tailored to meet each individual’s requirements.